Rođen 25. 06. 1956. godine u Dimitrovgradu
Diplomirao na Višoj školi likovnih umetnosti na odseku nastavnik likovne kulture, u Beogradu 1989. godine
Diplomirao na Akademiji SPC na odseku fresco-slikarstva 2000. godine u klasi Dragomira Jašovića
Magistrirao zidno slikarstvo na Likovnoj akademiji u Sofiji 2003. godine u klasi Olega Gocheva
Završio specijalizaciju na Likovnoj akademiji u Sofiji kod profesora Olega Gocheva na otseku Zidnog slikarstva
Član je ULUSA
1997. Beograd, Galerija - NU ”Božidar Adžija”
1999. Beograd, Galerija 73
2000. Beograd, Galerija Doma kulture - Studentski grad
2000. Dimitrovgrad Gradska galerija
2000. Dimitrovgrad Centar za kulturu
2003. Sofija Likovna akademija (sa Snežinom Bogdanovom)
2003. Dimitrovgrad, Gradska galerija.
2003. Pirot, Galerija “Čedomir Krstić”
2007. Dimitrovgrad Gradska galerija
2010. Treleborg Galerija Garvaregarden Švedska
2010. Kopenhagen, Ambasada republike Srbije
Izlagao na više grupnih izložbi u zemlji i inostranstvu.
Freske u kapeli Sv. Jovana Preteče u crkvi Sv. Paraskeve u Sofiji
Freske u manastirskoj crkvi Sv.Dimitrije u Dimitrovgradu
Freske u oltaru crkve Rođenja Bogorodice u Dimitrovgradu
Prestone ikone u crkvi Vaznesenja Gospodnjeg u selu Gradinje (Dimitrovgrad)
Prestone ikone u crkvi Sv. Petka u selu Smilovci (Dimitrovgrad)
Radi kao profesor likovne kulture u osnovnoj školi “Hristo Botev” u Dimitrovgradu
Freske u crkvi SV. Pantelejmona u selu Senokos.
Freske u crkvi Vaznesenje Gospodnje u selu Gradinje.
Pogled na slike Miće Mitića
Kada se ukroti nemir u susretu sa slikama Miće Mitića, šta može da se vidi?
U hladovini jarkih boja slikar skriva duboku i svevremensku misao o ljudskom traganju za suštinom života.Ta misao je dovoljno moćna da stalno porađa nove zagonetke, čije odgonetanje nenametljivo traži od posmatrača. Iz slika izviruju pogled-senoviti, tajanstveni, plahi, nastali negde na rubovima na kojima se prelivaju svetlo i tama, belo i sve boje belog, zuto i sve boje zutog, druge boje i sve boje tih drugih boja… Ako posle prvog kroćenja nemira, ukrotite i preostali nemir i prvo oduševljenje, vas pogled će se ukrstiti sa pogledima duše slika. Te poglede ćete odneti i kad se oprostite od njih i još pozitivno uznemireni napustite prostor sa Mitićevim slikama. Preostaje vam da i dalje u tišini tragate za pogledima duše skrivenim u svim igrama boja, oblika i senki.
Srećna pretraga!
Elizabeta Georgiev
Micho Mitich Born on 25 June 1956 in Dimitrovgrad.
I finished primary and secondary school in Dimitrovgrad, the latter in 1975. in 1989 I graduated from the Advanced School of Fine and Applied Arts in Belgrade.
I finished Byzantine mural painting at the Academy of Arts and Conservation Serbian Orthodox Church in Belgrade in 2000.
I had my M.A. dissertation defense on mural painting at the Art Academy in Sofia in 2003 in the class of Professor Oleg Gocev, where I completed the specialisation in the field of mural painting with the same Professor.
I had 12 independent exhibitions and many collective exhibitions in Serbia and abroad. I worked on conservation of the medieval wall painting.
I panited 5 churches:
“St.Dimitar”, in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia,
“Nativity Theotokos” (Mother of God), in Dimitrovgrad as well, and
“Chapel St.John”, in Sofia, Bulgaria,
“St.Panteleumon” in Serbia, and
“Ascension of Christ”, in Serbia.
Since 2003, I have been working as a teacher of Fine Arts in the primary school “Hristo Botev” in Dimitrovgrad, Serbia.
In the last 15 years, I have mostly worked on abstract and associative paintings in oil technique. It is lyrical painting full of tender emotions which leaves no one idifferent. My sense of colour is hard to be unnoticed. I belong to a school of colourists, and colours are my primary means of expression. However, in the last few years there is a noticeable shift towards figuration, and sometimes there is a drawing which empasizes the form. Due to the fact that I have classical art education, it is not hard for me to do a portrait or an act, but in my personal way of expression, I long for the elegiac and melancholy colours of the south (southern regions).
Looking at the image Micho Mitich
When unrest is tamed on seeing Micho Mitich’s paintings, what can be noticed?
In the shade of bright colours, the painter hides a profound and timeless thought of the human search for the essence of life. That thought is powerful enough to bring to life new riddles whose salving is unintrusilvely asked from the observer by the thought of itself. Shady, mysterious, and shy views emerge from the paintings. The views begin somewhere on the edges where light and darkness collide, where white and all the nuances of white, yellow and all the shades of yellow and other colours together with their nuances overlap…If you succeed in taming the initial unrest, and then go on taming the rest of it, along with your enthusiasm, your glance will meet the glances of the soul of the paintings. Those glances will accompany you even on your farewell and while still positively upset you leave the area of Mitich’s paintings. What remains is the further need to search in silence of the soul’s glances hidden in the play of colours, shapes and shadows.
Good luck with your search!
Elizabeta Georgiev